
Policy Stakeholder Views on the EU Health Data Space (EHDS)

For the EU Health Data Space to provide optimal value for people living with obesity, it will need to reflect the European Commission’s recognition that obesity is a gateway disease that contributes to the development of other non-communicable diseases.


Call for alignment of the Council with the European Parliament and European Commission

OPEN EU, EASO and the EU Health Coalition along with six members of the European Parliament call for alignment of the Council with the European Parliament and European Commission in implementing obesity as a key NCD as part of the EU4Health Programme and beyond.


Stakeholder Statement on European Commission’s Foresight Report

OPEN-EU commends the European Commission’s mission-driven approach to addressing major societal and health challenges facing Europe. To this end, we welcome the strategic foresight approach launched in 2020 and related processes that are underway.


Reaction to EU Council Conclusions 17-21 July 2020: A way forward

OPEN-EU calls on the Council, Heads of State, Prime Ministers and Finance Ministers across the EU, the European Parliament and the Commission to reassess how to achieve desired health outcomes and to particularly focus on a holistic person-centred approach to the chronic disease of obesity and its related complications


Statement on short-term EU health preparedness for COVID-19 outbreaks

OPEN-EU welcomes the joint plan of action on Short-term EU health preparedness for COVID-19 outbreaks  launched by the European Commission and the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control). The plan outlines key actions for the coming months to ensure Europe reinforces its preparedness to counter further outbreaks of COVID-19.



EU4Health Programme: Amendments

13th July 2020: OPEN-EU believes there is an urgent need for a significant realignment between scientific evidence, person-centric infrastructure, and related policy-making in order for the EU to successfully meet its obligations and aspirations under the EU4Health Programme and more broadly under the Sustainable Development Goals.

To this end, the network has proposed 13 amendments to the EU4Health Programme to address obesity properly in Europe.


EU4Health Programme: Policy Position Statement

3rd July 2020: Obesity and Covid-19 exit strategies and towards a “New Normal” for resilient health systems


Launch of OPEN-EU

EU experts join forces to drive EU-level change on obesity emergency


Politico Magazine

17 June 2020: Europe’s obesity problem takes on new urgency